MHR Baptism Inquiry Form
At Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Baptism is available for infants, children and adults. Complete the Baptism inquiry form so we can better serve your needs and connect with you!
Click on the heading above or select the document below to download our Baptism Inquiry Form (PDF Format). You can either mail or e-mail us the form.
If you choose to e-mail the form to Most Holy Redeemer you can enter the parents, child or person to be baptized and the God parents information on the form electronically in the boxes provided. After completing the form, save the form to your computer documents. When saving and sending the file make sure to include your family last name (example file name: Smith_MHRBaptismInquiry.PDF).
Once you have properly saved your file to your computer compose an e-mail to [email protected]. In the email subject line make sure to include the statement "Baptism Inquiry for (insert name)". After completing and submitting the baptism inquiry form please call us to schedule an appointment to prepare for the baptism of your child.
We look forward to assisting you and welcoming a new member of our church community in Baptism.
Email: [email protected]
Postal Mail:
Most Holy Redeemer Church
120 Russell Street
Hadley MA 01035-0375
Call 413-584-1326 to make baptism arrangements: